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People roles in Drupal development

Thomas Svenson wrote a series of blogposts about Drupal website building: Un(b)locking the Drupal Learning Curve. He explains challenges people and organizations encounter while learning and adopting Drupal.
What I like is his explanation of roles involved in web development. He maps these roles on a project-timeline. He points out that the site builder role is the central role in the team.

How to Import Hierarchical Taxonomies in Drupal 7

Taxonomy CSV Import Export (taxonomy_csv) for Drupal 7 is a great module to save a lot of time when creating your new website. It lets you import vocabularies.
Going to summarize howto import a hierarchical taxonomy with its fields. It's a bit obscure and you need configuration on import. I cannot solve importing a hierarchy and descriptions in one step. But I can import a hierarchy or terms with fields. So you can do it in 2 steps! Follow me.